Pokémon Fan-Addict
Your either a Pokémon Fan or an Addict. Welcome to Pokémon Fan-Addict.
Monday, July 31, 2006
Sunday, July 30, 2006
Saturday, July 29, 2006
No PokéNews
Yeah, No PokéNews, everyone is tired and I'll do the nXt Episodes by Tuesday at the latest.
Friday, July 28, 2006
New Pokémon Game Information
Nintendo and Pokemon USA has just releasesd an ALL NEW logo for the upcoming Pokemon Ranger game for Nintendo DS. Ranger is set for release on 10/30/06 while the Dungeon series will be at your fav game store on 9/18/2006.

Also released today are 8 new screen shots for the Mysterious Dungeon series.. 4 each for Red and Blue.
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Live from Bryant Park... Pokémon 10 Anniversary's Party of the Decade
The Pokémon franchise will be holding its 10th Anniversary Party at Bryant Park in New York City, NY on Aug. 8, 2006, but a lovely PokePR gal was kind enough to tell us that the Hulkster, Hulk Hogan, would be hosting the festivities. ARE YOU READY FOR THAT BROTHER!?

Even more delicious, unconfirmed word of mouth suggests that there will be musical acts during the partaayy, with Brooke Hogan possibly performing. Score!
At the event, little Hulkamaniacs and Pokémon fans will be able to watch the pros get busy with it in a Pokémon XD tournament on the GameCube. They will also be able to download characters and be the first in the "country to play upcoming Pokémon video games." So, mark your calendar kids, cause from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. your world belongs to Pokémon.
For full details, see the www.pokemon.com website
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Wal-Mart Launch Party
Come on in to your local Wal-Mart store between 10 a.m. and noon on Saturday, August 26th, to celebrate the launch of the exclusive Pokémon Trading Card Game EX Crystal Guardians “Earth Shower” theme deck!

EX Crystal Guardians won't be released until Wednesday, August 30th. Don't miss your opportunity to take advantage of this Wal-Mart-exclusive offer!
Click here for a list of stores will be participating in the August 26th Pokémon TCG WalMart Fun Day.
Music CD
Anyways, there is a new Music CD from the Pokémon Movie in Jap. It will be on sale for approx. 2,400 yen. The US ammount is 20 dollars. So if you're one of those people who like to order things from JP. (I wish I could =<), then here is your chance to get the new music from PKMN Movie 9! Get your copy today!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Monday, July 24, 2006
I;m on vacation in Maine and there is internet, but it is unreliable. See you soon! And by the way, No PokéNews!
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Saturday, July 22, 2006
Friday, July 21, 2006
Another Pokémon
Another new Diamond & Pearl Pokémon has been released, although not officially. One of the anonymous Japanese image boards had an image posted from the Diamond and Pearl demo currently making the rounds in Japan.

According to Filb.de, the new Pokemon's name (Japanese) is Korobooshi. It is currently unknown if this is an evolution of a current Pokemon or a brand new Pokemon.
Stay tuned for better images and more information as it becomes available.
It looks like a pre-evo of volbeat and Illumise!
Nintendo Power
The September 2006 issue of Nintendo Power Magazine will have a section on Mysterious Dungeon and feature a bonus special, a 6-part Comic series of it as well..

No further details were given about this bonus or the article itself, however we'll have more information after we recieve our issue and read through it.
Stay tuned..

Thursday, July 20, 2006
The dub still isn't good enough.
Pokémon USA has revealed some new information at Comic-Con today and the initial reports are sounding promising for those who disliked the voice acting in Mastermind of Mirage Pokémon.

The biggest surprise was regarding that. It has now been redubbed and will be a special feature on the Lucario and the Mystery of Mew DVD. A sample was played where Ash, Brock and May reportedly sound a lot closer to their original voices.

Pokémon USA also revealed at the panel some of thier future plans for the anime series. The panel confirmed that a special based on the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon games will on Cartoon Network at an undetermined date, with a DVD release later. The panel also announced that 5 episodes of the new Battle Frontier season have already been dubbed, with each episode done within a week. The dubbers will work to keep most of the Japanese music as well. Movie 9 will also set to be released sometime next year.
Stay tuned for more updates and some pics from PokeBeach, who's live on the spot at this year's Comic-Con.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Monday, July 17, 2006
More D/P
Well the official site has again revealed more stuff. However none of this is completely set in stone:
* The starting Pokémon may be of the Fighting/Dark/Psychic types
* The region, Shinou, has an underground world
* Roselia may be given an evolution
* Attacks will be made Physical or Special based on the actual attacks. Attacks like ThunderPunch will become Physical Attacks whereas Hyper Beam becomes a Special Attack. This highly changes the battling metagame and may make some Pokémon weaker than before and some even stronger.
As said, since the game is in development it is possible that this changes but at this stage in development, it is likely that the changes will stay
Sunday, July 16, 2006
New D/P Starters
It appears Pokémon Diamond and Pearl will get new starter types: Fighting / Psychic / Dark.

Given that Dark is plain immune to Psychic, there are probably going to be type effectiveness changes as well, so now no more fire, water, grass types as the starters.
We haven't yet confirmed the news, but Pokeani says that they can't really believe it either. More to follow, as it becomes avaialbe.
Sky High 'Lite Sales
Healthy sales news for Nintendo, as the Lite and original DS in the US together sold over 590,000 units in June.

Launched on June 11th, the updated model of the Nintendo DS helped hardware units of the handheld soar to 593,000 for that month. The PS2 sold 312,000 units, while the 360 was next with 277,000 units.
Anita Frazier of NPD Group, a market research firm providing news and information on consumer trends, sales and marketing information for a diverse range of industries, says, “More hardware is in consumers hands which bodes well for future software sales, and the availability of a wide variety of content - like the non-traditional games Brain Age and Brain Academy from Nintendo - spurs new consumers to try gaming, and hopefully stick with it.”
"And the DS is certainly rockin' - really, there was such positive news all around it was nice to see. It's not like some months where one title steals all the thunder, or one hardware device gets all the sales. It was so generally healthy and positive I think that bodes very well for the future."
Total videogame sales for the month amounted to some $844.5 million - $135.5 million of which were for the DS - up from $104.5 million this time last year. In fact, overall videogame sales were up 25% compared to June 2005.
Source: PPN News Services, NDP Group
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Journey Across America

So, today I went to Pokémon Journey Across America today in Boston. I had a great time there, let me tell you some things you might want to know about it, I'll start from the beginning.
I woke up around 8 this morning, which is incebivly early for me to be getting up. I grabbed my Eevee cinch sack and packed it. What I found nesecary to bring is the following: A Gameboy Advance or a Gameboy Advance SP. Nothing else will work. Although, you can download Pokémon Trozei Mini through DS Download play there. A cell phone. To stay in touch with home and also if there is anything cool for Pokémon Mobile, which isn't availabe on Verizon (go Cingular!). I brought Pokémon Emerald. My team was weak so I decides I needed Celebi and 4 of the top 20. You can bring Sapphire, Emerald, Leaf Green, Ruby, and FireRed all at one to get Pokémon. I brought a snack. Money. No explanation. Another person, in this case my dad, so he can drive me 2 hours to the South Shore Plaza.
You don't need to do anything on the car ride there, go to the bathroom at a rest stop and not at home. You'll have a tendancy to drink a lot of water when it is available next to you. Also you'll see why later on.
One you get there park. Duh. If it's hot out park in the shade or something, you'll be in there for a while, even if you plan to stay there 1 hour. We got there aroung 10:30.
Once we got there we knew the Celebi and top 20 character distrobution would be popular so we tried to go there first after a quick look-around. We were mis-informed and got in the trainer-certificate line instead. I swtill got one and it was nice, but you need to do that almost last.
We then headed in to the Celebi/20 lines. It was a 2 hour wait, but when the line splits and you have to choose; (if you want both but don't want to wait in line twice, here is a sraatige:)the person with the Gameboy needs to go in the Celebi line because it moves faster, your other party member should go in the top 20 download line, which moves slower. In line take some personal time. Clear 5 spots in your party so you can download the Pokémon with ease. Talk to people around you and even staff, the should be nice and firendly and great to talk to. Play you game, but stop when you get close because you don't want to have to forefit a battle if your called next. And finally, after 2 hours, you get your havd stamped to get Celebi. Upon you arrival after getting Celebi, go to your party mate and wait in line and pick the four Pokémon you want to download. Also there are three more things; form an alliance. We did this and it helped if people boss you around or try to cut you. Take pictures. In our mall the picture station was right next to the line, so jump out for a second and ask a staff member to take a picture of you, please. The third thing we didn't do and I ended up not getting my Munchlat hat. While you wait in the second line send your other team mate in the PokémonCenter line, yea, sadly, there is one, half-hour at the most. This is so the second you get your 4 Pokémon you can go to the PokémonCenter.
At the PokémonCenter all they have is PokéDolls, holders, hats cards, and play figurines (which I have not senn on PokémonCenter.com). Also as your waithing in line, they only send a certain amount of people in at a time, but before you go in, every one in your party gets a free PokémonCenter NY pin. Also for sale they have Pokémon S2 cards, somewhere and $3 10anniv. pins. And also free Pikachu Promo card with fact sheet.
They also had a coloring station, yawn, and the Battle tounament as well as a card table, and a place to play XD, Emerald, and Trozei. I didn't do the battle tounament, but you got free shirts.
That is pretty much it, if I think of anything else, I'll post it. We ended up leaving at 4:11. Also here are some tips and pics:
Play your cards right at Pokémin Journey across America:
- Do what you want, you'll never see it again.
- Bring other people and do what I did above.
- Twords the end go to the place where they gave away the Pikachu promos and ask for a bunch, I got 50! one hour before it closed.
- Eat your snack, don't leave.
- You can't go anywhere in line.
- Talk to people.
- Ask mall information at the end of the show if you could take one of the poster they have around and say, "You can't use them again, they have the date on them." And they'll let you have one if no one sees you take it.
- If the line is long, go in it, they'll close it down 2-3 hours before the show is over to makesure everything ends at 5, you'll miss your chance.
- Have fun & relax. Everyone the likes Pokémon, so you don't have to be self-contous.
- If I foregot anything I'll edit this post.
Not much. refresh to see more, there are 22, I can't do the java one in post:
Ash retires?
The next Pokemon anime series, which apparently will feature the female protagonist from the games, was also announced. Pocket Monsters Diamond & Pearl (ポケットモンスター ダイヤモンド&パール) will start broadcasting this fall on the TV Tokyo network.

It will most likely premiere on Thursday, September 28th, 2006. It is unclear at the present if this will replace the current Pocket Monsters - Advanced Generation or if it will be a seperate series. According to Pokeani, the girl on the Pocket Monsters - Pearl & Diamond anime poster is called Hikari.
New Pokémon Revealed!
hanks to a heads up from our affiliate PokeBeach, we found a possible new (Electrobuzz?) evolution on the Yahoo Japan Pokemon web site.

Although it's not a 100% confirmed evolution, it's very possible based on the image sources.. stay tuned for even more cool Diamond and Pearl updates here.
More New Diamond and Pearl information!
From PPN:
After working most of the afternoon and this evening we have most of the latest Diamond and Pearl updates uploaded.
Updated are the 4th gen Pokemon, the characters, all new screenshots, better new pokemon images, and more.. We have also picked up some new IN GAME video clips showing when you meet up with your rival and some battle / attack selection action. They're pretty cool so check them out here.
Look for info on more new pokemon, other exciting features found in Diamond and Pearl, and more. All coming soon, so check back often.
Journey Across America
I went to Journey Across America today. Here are pictures now, I'll write starting at 10 tonight.
Friday, July 14, 2006
First Pokémon DS Lite (Don't get you hopes up, you can't have one!)
Members of Japan's Pokemon Daisuke Club ("I Love Pokemon Club") have a shot at bagging this specially made Pikachu Lite.
Now the good news; There are only 150 of these, and they won't be sold in stores, and it looks as if the only way to get one is to win it through a drawing that is open to only folks living in Japan, where everything under the Rising Sun will soon have its own DS Lite.
More Diamond and Pearl information
The August CoroCoro has revealed the new Pocket Monsters Diamond and Pearl box art. Introduced are two new Pokemon, パルキア (Parukia) and ディアルガ (Diaruga).

New Information from August CoroCoro:
- The space-ruling Pokemon Parukia (空間をつかさどりしポケモン パルキア) in Pearl, and the time-ruling Pokemon Diaruga (時をつかさどりしポケモン ディアルガ) were both revealed and are on seperate boxes for the upcoming games Pokemon - Diamond & Pearl.
- ディアルガ (Diaruga) will make its first apperance in ポケモンレンジャーと蒼海の王子 マナフィ (Pokémon Ranger to Umi no Ōji: Manaphy) which Premieres in theaters July 15th, 2006.
- Diamond and Pearl will be release in Japan on September 28th, 2006 and will cost 4800 Yen.
The next Pokemon anime series, which apparently will feature the female protagonist from the games, was also announced. Pocket Monsters Diamond & Pearl (ポケットモンスター ダイヤモンド&パール) will start broadcasting this fall on the TV Tokyo network. It will most likely premieres on Thursday September 28th, 2006. It is unclear at the present if this will replace the current Pocket Monsters - Advanced Generation or if it will be a seperate series.
- According to Pokeani, the girl on the Pocket Monsters - Pearl & Diamond anime poster is called Hikari.
- Three more Pokemon were also revealed: ドラピオン(Dorapion), パチリムス(Pachirisu) and チェリム (Cherimu)
- ドラピオン(Dorapion): is a Poison/Dark Type Pokemon. It's species is Monsterscorpion. It has either Battle Armor or a new ability called Snipe. Snipe increases the base value of an attack during critical hit. Dorapion can also learn Cross Poison (クロスポイズン), which has a high critical hit rate and can also induce Poisoning.
- チェリム (Cherimu): is a Grass Type Pokemon. It's abilitiy is Flower Gift. Chierimu has an attack called Worry Seed (なやみのタネ), which gives the opponent Insomnia.
- パチリス (Pachirisu): is a Electric type Pokemon and its species is Electricsquirrel. It knows the abilities Run Away and Pickup
- タマンタ (Tamanta): is a Water/Flying Type Pokemon. It's Abilities are Swift Swim and Water Absorb.
- ペラップ (Perap): is a Normal/Flying Type Pokemon. It's abilities are Keen Eye & a new Ability called Tottering Steps (ちどりあし), increases evasiveness when confused.
- ルカリオ (Lucario): Lucario's second ability is called Indomitable Heart (ふくつのこころ), increases speed whenever Lucario flinches. Lucario's trademark move, Aura Blast (はどうだん) is a Fighting-type move.
- ゴンベ (Gonbe): is able to learn Nature's Blessing (しぜんのめぐみ), which changes type and power depending on the berry it is carrying.
- マニューラ (Manyula): learns Seize (さしおさえ), which stops the opponent from using items.
- ブイゼル (Buoysel): learns Aqua Jet (アクアジェット), which is a Water-type attack with priority, similar to Swift.
Pokemon Pearl and Diamond will use Nintendo's online gaming service, Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. As with other games, you must get the Friend Code of your opponents before being able to connect. It appears that up to eight codes can be stored in the game. You can battle, trade Pokémon and use the microphone to talk over Wi-Fi in Diamond and Pearl. This functionality can be accessed via the Pokémon Wi-Fi Club, which is located in the previously revealed Pokémon Center basement. The DS Headset was also announced and comes out on September 24th for 1200 yen.
- The villainous organisation in Shinou is named Team Galaxy (ギンガ団). Among other things, they try to entice Pokémon to do their bidding, invite the professor to do research for them and steal people's Pokémon.
- The bottom touch screen on the DS has been confirmed for Menu use during battles.
- In Battle, the bag is organised as followed: HP/PP Recovery, Pokéballs, Status Recovery, Battle Use