Happy Halloween!
My Pok emon Pumpkins Were A Hit!
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Pokemon Elite 2000 - The Main Resource For All Your Pokemon Needs! reports:
To celebrate the upcoming release of Pokemon Ranger (which will be released on October 30, 2006), "Pokemon Ranger! Deoxys Crisis" will air tomorrow on the Cartoon Network on 5PM Eastern Time. To check your local listings, go here: Cartoon Network Schedule
Official Episode Description
Ash and friends may have thought that their adventure with the Legendary Celebi was pretty exciting, but it's nothing compared to their next encounter with the lovely Solana, her Plusle, and that amazing Capture Styler!
There have been reports of a troubled Deoxys wandering the area, and of course, the kids are eager to help, especially after their previous Deoxys encounter in Pokemon: Destiny Deoxys! This isn't the same Deoxys they met before - but that doesn't stop the mysterious space Pokemon from needing their help! Luckily Solana has returned to help them out and do what Pokemon Rangers do best - rescue troubled Pokemon!
Blogger wouldn't cooperate earlier, this is why this post is so late. Also I agrievd Pearl today and was playing it all day, though I'm still looking for an eniglish guide; No PokéNews today either.
The images won't work, I'll post then tomorrow. All it is is 10% off all 10th Ann. items automatically.
Top Ten Software Sales
I think I'm getting carpel tunnel from playing Pokémon: Mysterious Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team. No PokéNews.
Today I finally got Pokémon: Mystery Dongeon: Blue Rescue Team and Pokémon: Mystery Dongeon: Red Rescue Team. My mom made me choose one, so I canhave something to look forward to around Christmas (she'll do the same with D&P) . But in the box, if you pre-ordered it, you got a note (which I will scan and post tomorrow) saying it was sold out ONLY because they were short on the 'Team PokeDolls.