PokéMon Battle Revolution Information Released Today.
New information on the upcoming Nintendo Wii game Pokemon Battle Revolution that is scheduled for release on December 14th has been announced.
Wi-Fi Battle:
This is a game mode that allows players to fight against people anywhere through Nintendo Wi-Fi connection. There are two types of battle modes: Friends mode and Battle.Players can save data to their Wii-mote and then upload it to the software on a completely different Wii. Fun huh?
- Friends mode allows you to exchange your Wii console friends code with others and allows you to battle them.
- Battle mode matches you with an opponent with a relative playing ability.
- Both modes allow realtime online battles with the Nintendo DS titles Pocket Monsters Diamond and Pearl.
T-Shirt Customization:
This new feature, aka Trainer Coordinating, allows you to customize the apperance of your player. There are 6 base characters to choose from and they can be modified by unlocking new clothes, including a Lucario costume.
Clothes can be bought at the shop by using "PokeCoupons" from victorious Coliseum battles. There is over a 100 different kinds of clothing and parts that can be acquired and used to modify the base style of your character.
...More later, stay tuned!